What JSX is in [React] beginner guide

Humza Sajid
1 min readSep 14, 2021
Humza Sajid Software Enginner

JSX (JavaScript XML) is a file type used by React which allows you to write javascript along with HTML.

We can say JSX is a friendship between javascript and HTML which makes its syntax easier to understand and make the application robust.

Let’s Understand JSX With An Example:

Let’s declare a variable called smartphone and company and then use it inside JSX by wrapping it in the curly brace.

const smartphone = “Samsung S21”

const company= “SAMSUNG”

const JSXelement = <h1>Yo are using, {smartphone}! Manufactured by {company}</h1>


Babel is a popular tool for using the newest features of the JavaScript programming language, it’s a JS transcompiler used to convert ES-6 code into the backward-compatible version of javascript that can be run by older browsers.

As the browser can’t understand JSX directly so Babel converts our code and make it understandable for the browsers.



Humza Sajid

Writing easy-to-understand Web-Application Development (JS/TypeScript, React, Node) explanations for myself and others.